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Virginia is for lovers

April arrived, and I called up my friend, Lelette. I asked her for my birthday would she like to go to Virginia with me? She said, “is this the lavish trip for you and how long would it be for?” I immediately thought, no, however I couldn’t think of anything but to see my friend, Tre.

This would be the first time that we would all hang out together. Tre being a native to Virginia, I didn’t think of activities as this would be my first time to Richmond, VA. When speaking to him, he stated that Virginia is great for nature and food. So I took him on his offer of seeking a nature valley trip. I went back to Lelette and posed the idea of a nature trip. She was down for it and we discussed how long this trip would be. Since I was wrapping up my last semester in college, I figured this would be an ideal weekend getaway and I booked my trip to NY as we decided to drive down to VA. Based on Lelette assumption that VA was closer to NY than FL.

When speaking to Tre, after we reserved our rental, hotel and purchased the flight, he let us know that our skills of geography were wrong! (After that, we made sure to double check on any misinformation about locations LOL)

Couple of days has past and now it’s time to head to VA. Lelette and I take the drive to taking turns so we can have energy for our first activity. We arrived to the hotel, checked in, dropped off our belongings and headed straight to Belle Isle Park. The park was full of life! A flowing river, a shaded walking trail, and a bit of colonial history of the abandon buildings and dam.


Walking around in the summer heat of VA was glorious. It wasn’t baking or frigid, it was perfect so that Lelette took a nap on one of the stones by the river, peacefully.

On the second day, we went into the mountains. The mountains were scary to travel through because of all the hills; being from Florida you’re able to see the roads however some of the mountains roads were obscured by trees or being at the peak of a hill. We ran into some questionable areas of the mountain towns. Some of them looked like they were still in 1700 style homes and business, it was amazing to look at but we felt the vibe that we were not welcomed to the area. We drove quickly through it until we made it to our destination of a vineyard. It was my first time going to a vineyard and enjoying a live wine tasting. I enjoyed the flights of wine that we received for seeing the vineyard. After the wine, right next door was a strawberry patch and we indulged in strawberry picking.

This was a great way to end our quick trip to VA. We all agreed that we loved each other company and immediately discussed the next possible trip and aiming for a more adventure. Where could we possibly think to where to go next?

Stay tuned for the next stop.


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