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Aruba: A peaceful island

Aruba is not only one of the smallest islands in the Caribbean, it’s also one of the driest. With a year-round average temperature of 85 degrees Fahrenheit and only about 12 inches of rain per year, Aruba has become a popular vacation spot for tourists looking for warm weather without much rainfall. The island’s name translates to “well-watered,” and its landscape is known for its desert cacti, limestone cliffs and sea caves—not exactly what comes to mind when you think about tropical beaches! However, there’s plenty more beyond these dry landscapes that makes Aruba an exquisite destination year-round.

The island’s long, dry season makes Aruba an exquisite vacation destination year-round.

Aruba’s dry season is from January to May, and the island’s climate is tropical, with an average temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The island experiences two rainy seasons: one in the summer (May-October) and one in winter (November-April).

The island’s name means “well-watered,” and its landscape is known for its desert cacti, limestone cliffs and sea caves.

Aruba is a small island in the Caribbean. The name means “well-watered,” and its landscape is known for its desert cacti, limestone cliffs and sea caves.

There are many interesting places that you can visit on Aruba:

  • The Aruban capital of Oranjestad has a charming town center surrounded by white beaches. It’s an easy walk from your hotel to shops where you can find souvenirs or clothes at reasonable prices.
  • If you’re looking for less touristy attractions, check out Baby Beach—a quiet strip of sand near Noord where there’s usually no one else around except locals who gather here to hang out with friends or watch the sunset over the ocean horizon. You may even see some fishermen casting their nets into the water!

Aruba’s jewel-toned waters are filled with colorful sea life, making it the perfect spot for snorkelers and divers.

When you’re in Aruba, the waters are filled with colorful sea life. Snorkeling is a popular activity and can be enjoyed year-round. Snorkelers take trips past the vibrant underwater world of coral reefs, sunken ships and marine wildlife.

While you’re exploring under water, don’t forget to look up at the colorful blue skies above as well!

Snorkeling trips take you past the vibrant underwater world of coral reefs, sunken ships and marine wildlife.

When you’re snorkeling, you’ll be able to explore the vibrant underwater world of coral reefs and marine life. You may even see some sunken ships!

To get started, grab your gear and head to any one of Aruba’s many beaches where you can rent equipment or take a tour with an outfit like Aruba Diving Center.

Bring along sunscreen and water shoes for the sandier beaches, as well as towels for drying off after your swims in the sea. Be sure not to forget your camera too! You don’t want anything getting in between you and those stunning photos with which to share your experience!

For visitors seeking activity on the water, windsurfing is a popular pastime thanks to trade winds that blow almost constantly across the island.

Harnessing the trade winds that blow almost constantly across the island, windsurfing is a popular pastime for visitors seeking excitement on the water. If you’re looking for something to do today, head down to Aruba’s beautiful shores and give it a try! This sport can be done on any body of water—even lakes or rivers—making it accessible for all ages and skill levels.

Aruba is a beautiful island that offers many activities for visitors of all ages. The island’s friendly people and warm climate make it a great destination for families who want to relax on the beach or explore the natural wonders that surround them. Visitors can also enjoy water sports like snorkeling and diving while they take in views of colorful reefs teeming with sea life!

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